Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dream State

Well, I just woke up from quite an interesting, albeit random (what a surprise) dream. Somehow I found myself in downtown Manhattan...or some bizarro version of it, pretty standard for my screwed up mind. Anyway, bizarro downtown Manhattan, and I was playing violin (an instrument I have no idea how to play) with of all people, Kaki King. For those who don't know, Kaki King is not only a guitarist, but probably one of the greatest guitarists I've ever had the good fortune of watching perform live numerous times. Her guitar prowess is just ridiculously awesome, an prowess that could be considered l33t. Anyway, what made this dream even more interesting was the fact that she wasn't playing guitar, she was playing violin. I have no idea as to whether or not she plays violin, but i'd imagine she'd be equally l33t at it. Anyways, there's Me, Kaki, and a violist and cellist on a street corner performing various random songs. Don't ask me which ones, I don't remember.

The street performance went over quite well, people seemed to love it. As we were packing up, we were chatting about random stuff, and I gave her back her bow since apparently I had borrowed one of hers for the performance. Now here comes the strangest part. For some reason I wasn't sure if I had introduced myself, so as we finish packing, I say, "Oh, my name is Calvin, by the way." She didn't hear me the first time, so I repeated myself, "My name is Calvin, C-A-L-V-I-N." Her response, "Oh, I know! Bye Calvin!" And then she leaves. As I sit and try to ponder how she knew my name, I realize that that one of the freakin' street sweepers that pass by on the sidewalks in lower Manhattan swept up my backpack. Right as I run off to catch the idiot that threw away my backpack, I woke up.

Not sure what to make of that dream, but I thought it was pretty cool in an incredibly random way.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I see sunny days when the clouds run away...

When we last left our hero, his dream of getting his diploma depended on one all important final examination, some 49 minutes after that last fateful blog post. It has been some 4 1/2 months since that fateful day. What has become of our scrappy hero? Was his dream realized? Did he fail miserably and reach his mental tipping point? The answers to that and more coming up.........

Right now!

Yeah I passed that test. In fact I got 100 on it. My final grade in the class was 97. So, yeah, I just barely passed that class. It was enough to appease the University of Hartford enough that they reluctantly granted me my diploma. I has a diploma!! W00t!!!!123

Now that I have that out the way (finally), I now have a new problem to deal with:


I can't get a job to save my life. It sucks BALLS. But I'm trying to make the best of things at the moment. All this downtime and a series of events have caused a possible shift in career direction. Originally I was looking to gain some experience in motion graphics design, but I find myself moving towards web design. It's the weirdest thing too, especially after the way I've shunned programming from my life last year. It all started in January when my friend CJ asked me to help him start up a website for a writing community he wanted to start up. Since then I've set up the content for his website so people will be able to interact and communicate with each other, and make a cool logo for it. All I need to do now is make a sexy looking shell for the website and it will be good to go. I have also thrown together a website for another friend for his music group. I'm currently planning out a website for another friend who is starting an interactive online magazine about acupuncture. This one I'm really excited about. This one is really going to test me in a number of aspects, since I'm not only going to be dealing with the web aspect, i'll be directly involved with ALL aspects of design in this project (logos, typography, layout, all the good stuff). On top of that, i'll be working with Flash, which has been my number one enemy for the longest time. This is going to be an interesting and very fulfilling next few months.

I'll be busy with those projects, and busy moving around for the next few weekends. This weekend i'll be visiting my friend Will and his fiancée Vee to hang out for a few days. I'm going to be in their wedding party, and i'll be singing at their wedding as well, so that's going to be a definite good time. The weekend after (hopefully) i'll be in Hartford visiting people and partying like I'm still in school w00000 PARTAAAAYYYY! :-D The following week is Will's bachelor party! Oh my, the debauchery! XD

Anyway, that's what has been going on these days, and now I should go to bed. Happy Easter folks!
