Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Victory Is Mine!

A couple of victories for me in the past week. Last week I had a pretty important test in my calc class. And I scored 100!! The only thing that is kind of a drag about that incredible score is the fact that it was out of 110 points. Ah well, a 100 is a 100, and it's the first 100 I've scored on a test since the 10th grade, so there. Happy Happy Joy Joy! The class is going great, and I'll be done in a month's time. W00t!

And now victory # 2. I received an email from HP stating that I am eligible for a free repair of the left hinge on my laptop. This hinge has been broken for well over a year now, and it's been a severe pain in the ass trying to open and close this laptop. It's been the only real reason I don't take my laptop out of the house...that and the fact that the battery life is shite. The downside to this is the fact that I have to send in my laptop to HP and have them repair it, which could take up to two weeks between the time I send it off and the time I get it back. That sucks the fat one, but hey, they're going to not only fix the hinge, but they're going to fix the plastic casing that houses the lcd screen since it was damaged by the broken hinge. My lappy will be good as new once again!

The reason it's going to take some time to fix is because there are quite a few people that have the same problem. I knew this from a while back because of so many people on various message boards complaining about the same problem. I figured it would just be a matter of time. HP has finally heeded all the complaints, and for that I say to HP: "Thank you, it's about friggin' time!"

Just to make sure all my important files are safe and secure, I've taken the liberty of backing up all my files. Times like these that make me glad I have two external hard drives.

Time to go to bed, it's 4am, and I have to wake up in about 3 hours.



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