Less of a sad panda
Feeling much better these days. Finals are over for me. I bombed my math course, so I'm going to have to take it for the third time in Summerterm. I really don't want to, but I have to. Plus it also gives me some time to catch up with Connecticut and STN people one last time before I head back to Brooklyn. I have some unfinished work to do for STN, and this gives me an opportunity to get that done. I'll also have the opportunity to head over to Career Services to get some job hunting advice. On top of all that, I have a credit in my school financial account that, which is enough to cover the cost of my class and housing for six weeks. Not to mention I may also have a job for those six weeks! Maybe, just maybe, God does love me after all. So with all the bad, there is plenty of good. Someone once said that you can't have good without the bad. That person was absolutely right, and I'm thankful for both.
Moving on to something completely different, things are still pretty stagnant on the female front. My luck has been pretty ass in this subject for a while, and it's gotten me pretty down a lot this semester (if you haven't already noticed), but what can you do. Not being able to have who you want blows. I realize that I still have it pretty bad for this person, and she probably knows this as well. I'm slowly trying to learn to accept the fact that maybe it just wasn't meant to be. It might take a little while longer. Ah well, there's a reason why we have opposable thumbs.

Hah ah ah haa, inappropriate!
Labels: Things I've Done