Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days! Thursday, Friday, Happy Days! Saturday, what day, Groovin' all week with you!!!
Man, what a great last few days! The week was a total blur. As you may or may not know, this weekend is Spring Fling for my university. CJ and I decided to make a trip to Stop and Shop on Tuesday to stock up on essentials for Spring Fling, ie. sodas to mix our drinks with. There was an amazing deal on Stop and Shop sodas, 10 for $5. We basically knew that we were going to buy them, but I needed a third opinion. I called Dave and told him about it, and his response was an immediate "Hell yeah!" We now have 10 sodas at our disposal, actually, it's probably down to 7 now.
Thursday, CJ, his friend Laura, Xian and I decided to spend the day at the park and use up the rest of our film to make room for the next roll specifically meant for this weekend. We originally were going to go to some park in Bloomfield, but CJ used Mapquest (fucking Mapquest) and we got lost. We ended up going to a local park that we usually like ot go to. We got some nice pictures of geese, foliage, and Xian trying to hitch a ride at the side of the road. We also hiked up a trail in the park and we ended up in a cemetary. Usually a cemetary isn't the best place to hang around, but there was a nice picturesque view of Bloomfield and we were compelled to walk around for a bit. After our romp in the cemetary, we decided to go get dinner. There is a nice Thai food restaurant nearby so we went there and ate. The food was very good, even though Xian and I forgot what orders we got. We made a compromise by splitting our meals in half. Everyone was happy. After eating we headed back to the university, just in time for nice ominous clouds to come our way and rain on us. Later that night, Dave came by and he and I rehearsed our song. He wrote a song called the Ballad of Skeeter, basically it's a song about drinking, and he asked me to put it to music. The rehearsal came out very well, and we were excited as hell to record it. We planned to record it on Friday.
Friday, class as usual, then celebration time!! Ron and I had some of his Southern Comfort. It's pretty good, tastes just like candy! Later in the afternoon, Dave came by to record the song. We had such a great recording setup: My 20GB mp3 player and the add-on microphone/radio attachment. As shabby as it was, it worked like a charm. I set it up, and we recorded it. We went over the first recording, and we said it was perfect! One take!! Can't get any better than that. We let Xian and Ron listen to it, and they loved it! Ron's only response was "That's...probably the greatest song i've ever heard!" To this point we're amazed at how well it came out seeing as how our setup was, in a word, crap. I uploaded to my computer, fixed it up so that it would play on both channels (The microphone will only record in the left channel, don't ask me why.) After editing, Dave and I submitted the song to MySpace and PureVolume under the band name The Hott Lixxx. If you're ever on either of those sites, check it out.
Click here to listen to the song.
Later that night we were joined by the usual suspects. Ron brought down his stash for the weekend (Southern Comfort, Captain Morgan, and Smirnoff Raspberry Twist) and Dave bought his bottle of Jack Daniels. It was a lot of fun watching eveyone (except CJ and Xtina) get sloshed. Erin and Lauren were already drunk when they arrived. It was a lot of fun messing with Lauren, she's like an open target when she's drunk.
Later that night, we all walked around the VIllage for a while to see what was going on. I saw a bunch of my friends out there, including one of our friends that transferred to Iona, Marty. He was nice and wasted when we saw him. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone all messed up. I had a few to drink, but it didn't hit me very hard. I wasn't really in the mood for drinking yesterday. I won't be drinking today, not really feeling in the mood to drink. Ron went off to find somehwere to drink, and CJ, Xian, Xtina and I came back and relaxed. Ron stumbled in at around 3, literally. He opened the door and tripped on the floor. It was pretty funny.
Today has been pretty good so far. CJ and I met up with a few people and had brunch. After I left, I saw that there were bands that had started playing already. I decided to stay and watch a few of the bands play. One band called Porto, they were a really good rock band, and the lead was female and really cute. After porto, my friend Matt from the Silent Groove and Joe Battaglia made it on to the stage with their band. Apparently Matt is going solo for a while, so he's got a solo band going. They were incredible. In usual Matt Zeigler fashion, he and Joe did a freestyle of whatever they saw. I held up my afro pick key chain, and Joe made a rhyme about it:
"Hey Calvin, you're gonna need a bigger pick for that afro!!"
Matt came up with a rhyme about my 'fro comparing it to ?uestlove's from the Roots. It was a good show overall, and as soon as I get money from the bank, I'm gonna find Joe and buy the CD.
That's about it for now, more to come tomorrow. Until then, take care and be safe!
Labels: Week In Review
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