This weekend = Teh Awesome!!!
[Listening to: Calvin Williams and Raphael Singer - Jam #1 from the album ""]
So this weekend was fantasmagoricalnessitudinality!! Friday started off with Josh and I going to Guitar Center and hanging out there. 'Twas so much fun, even though they didn't have the guitar that I wanted out on display. I was able to try out all the different amps and guitars they had there, though I pretty much limited myself to the hollowbodies. Josh got a chance to check out all the different basses and bass amps there. He got a chance to talk with one of the workers there, Chris, and he set up this amazing bass head and cabinet combination that sounded absolutely incredible! I'm not sure who had more fun with that cab, Josh or me!! I came up with this bass riff and started ripping it! I may have amazed the both of them! I asked Chris about good amplifiers for the type of music I like to play, and I asked if solid state amps or tube amps would be the way to go for me. His immediate response was tube amp. He showed me this really nice tube amp and demonstrated its advantages over solid state amps. The sheer power and bite that came out that amp was incredible! I checked it out for myself and was very impressed. I will definitely look into that. Before we left I bought a Gripmaster hand exerciser so I can increase my finger strength.
Later on that night the usual suspects came out and chilled with us for a few. We went out to the market to get some random snacks, and there I meet Josh and his people. Josh was already inebriated at that point. Ron and I decided to hang with him for a little while, everyone else went their separate ways. Much fun was had, much beer was drank.
Saturday, a good day as well, even though it rained for most of the day and well into the night. Josh came by and we played Cribbage, an awesome card game. Later on, the usual suspects came back and we had movie night. We saw Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 and Closer. I have no idea what closer was about because I didn't see it. My friend Rafi called and asked if I wanted to jam with him. Granted it was raining and at that point it was 1 in the morning, but what the hell. We played for a good hour and a half or so, playing as many Soulive songs as we could think of. It was fun for everyone. At one point we got into a jam and got an idea for a song going, so we decided to record it for future reference. It has a lot of potential, and we are going to build on it at a later date. After that jam session, the usual suspects and I hung out for a bit, and then we all decided that we were hungry and ate at Goldroc at 3 in the morning. I had a western omlette with home fries and toast. So delicious!!! Nothing like hanging out at a diner at 3 in the morning. Dave and I had a half-and-half chugging contest, the first to 5 wins. I smoked him! It was pretty funny! We all had fun, and then we ended our night at around 4:30 or so.
Sunday was pretty uneventful, we all had stuff we needed to do, so we decided to procrastinate and watch Ocean's 12. Not a bad movie, though I hear Ocean's 11 was much better. I must watch it one day.
Guess what I have?! Family Guy episode S4E1!! The first new episode in 4 years! I'm not gonna tell you where I found it, you'll have to find it yourself. But I will say that if you love Family Guy and you had any doubts about this new season, this episode will kill any doubt in your mind. It was freakin hilarious! I'm looking forward to this season even more now!
Enough of the babble for now, time for bed. Stupid classes. Meh, oh well, G'nite
P.S. (Jam # 1) This is the song that Rafi and I came up with. Let me know what you think!
Labels: Weekend Recap
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