Sunday, September 23, 2007

Last Week / This Week

It is time for Last Week/This Week, where I recap events that happened last week, then this week. Here goes:

Last Week

Last Saturday was a quite awesome trip to The Big E, a gigantic fair that happens every September in West Springfield, Mass. I went last year with a few friends, and I wanted to continue the good times this year. I managed to wrangle CJ, Jessie, Laura, Carla, her brother Matt, Christian, and Kristina into the fun. Good times were had. Many rides were ridden on, much food was eaten (I had to get my gigantic turkey leg, it had to be done), much beer was imbibed (not really, only three in the span of about 11 hours). Out of everyone that made it, Only Carla, Matt and myself managed to stay until closing time. Actually it was just Carla and I, Matt ran off into the abyss when he ran out of money to spend. It was fun hanging out with everyone, and it was a lot of fun with just Carla towards the end. We had about $30 in ride access cards between us, so we had to make the most of it. We got on as many rides as humanly possible, even the really tall rides that scare me since I'm afraid of heights. We managed to leave about 15 minutes before everything closed up. It was good times.

This Week

Today was my appointment to give blood. I was convinced by Carla to give blood a couple of months ago, and I figured I'd do it again. According to the Red Cross I'm free of STDs and other various illnesses that are creepy and disgusting, so I have perfect blood for donation. This time around was smooth sailing since I'm now a member of Red Cross' blood donation services (Type O+ in case you were wondering). Carla was there to cheer me on, she can't give blood again until next year since she recently got a tattoo. After being drained a pint of blood, Carla and I celebrated by heading to Chili's and grabbing some food. Afterwards we hung out at the park before she had to head out of a few hours. We caught up again later in the day, and we were going to chill out at the park again, but it was getting really dark because of all the ominous looking clouds, so we milled around Wal-Mart a bit, then headed back to campus and hung out and chatted it up for a few hours before she had to head back home.

and now I'm here. Gonna grab some tea, listen to some Ryan Scott and hit the sack. That is all.

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