Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Summer... Part 4

Part 4: Life

So overall, it has been a very good last few months. I was able to top it all off by heading home for about a week and visiting my dear sweet mother that I hadn't seen for the entire summer. It kinda sucked because I wasn't around for her birthday, but I made up for it through the week. I took her out to dinner at a Korean bbq restaurant and had some very tasty grub, and also discovered more music that I happen to like. (Note to self: buy music from Stereolab.) we topped off the week by going to Six Flags Great Adventure with a couple of my mother's coworkers. We had such a freakin' good time! I got a chance to ride on a good portion of the rollercoasters. Old favorites like Nitro, Medusa and Batman the Ride, and new ones like El Toro and the dreaded Kingda Ka. El Toro is nuts! It's probably one of the smoothest wooden rollercoasters ever made, and the drops and banks are just amazing! But the highlight of the day was the Kingda Ka. We had to wait a good hour on the line to get to it, but we finally get to it. It's actually not as bad as one would imagine. The only rough part to it is the initial 0-128 mph launch in 3.5 seconds. That launch basically pushes you into your seat and keeps you there for the remainder of the ride. Possibly one of the most exhilarating 30+ seconds you're going to have in a long time.

After enjoying having my bones and organs pushed back into the seat, I come to a startling realization: I don't have my phone. I was pretty sad about it, but not extremely pissed for some reason. I filled out a lost and found report and hoped for the best. Since it fell out during the Kingda Ka ride, things didn't look good for me, especially seeing as how the drop is 450+ feet. Skip to the next day, I get a call from Great Adventure saying that they found my phone, and in good condition nonetheless! Apparently the park gets a thorough sweeping every night and that gives them a chance to pick up various trash and lost items. That's how they found my phone. I give them my address and a week later they send over my phone! If that isn't luck, good fortune, someone up there looking out for me, or whatever it is that you believe in, than I don't know what is!

That Sunday, I go to church, visit my uncle in Queens, pack up my stuff, and head back to CT, capping off a quite interesting, fun filled summer. Now it is back to business as usual. Classes aren't bad so far, and if all goes well this semester, i will be out of here!! HOORAYYYYYYYYY!!!1!!!111 Wish me luck!




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