Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So yeah, all nighter. This is what happens when you don't concentrate in class and you let deadlines fly by. I had to work on a quite abstract project for my operating systems class, plus hammer out the take home portion of the midterm. That was loads of fun. At least I had company along the way. John Manchester had to finish the project as well, and he started it the same time I did (last night), so we worked on it together, listened to lots of music, sang really loud, and got very little coding done for about the first three-four hours. Then again we didn't know how to even approach the project. It took me a few hours of staring at different coding examples from my professor before things started to click. It also didn't help that I was using a programming language that I was quite unfamiliar with (Java, my native language is C++), but it looks and performs like C++ to the point where I can phone in whatever I need to do. Java's not a bad language, it's just the fact that I'm quite stubborn and haven't wanted to learn Java unless I really needed to. I haven't had any need to, but in this partucilar case it was easier for me to do this project in Java. It was lots of fun trying to decipher the various error messages the developer environment kept giving John and I. John almost gave up because of all the error messages but we made it through. he finished his project at around 8 am, I finished mine about an hour and a half later. Unfortunately I wasn't done yet, I had a take home midterm I had to work on (oh joy). I hammered that out really quickly just in time to pass out on the floor in my room. I made it to my bed with help from CJ and Jessie, and I slept for a good two hours. Now all I have to look forward to is handing all this shit in and being done with it. WEWT LEWPS! Heehee!



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