No, I am not dead, thank you for your concern....
[Listening to: - 08 Umi Says from the album ""]
I haven't updated in weeks. Why? A number of reasons, mainly a lack of something to talk about. So, here's a rundown of what's been happening:
School: sucking less ass
Work: not sucking at all
Hermit Crab: still alive
Laptop: Awesome as ever
Friends: always a pleasure to have, and i have plenty
Family: constantly thankful for them
Guitar: still working on it
Music: one of the few things that keep me going
Music is a beautiful thing. It can do so much for a person. It can relax, evoke thought, bring people together. I got a chance to see a group called We Are Scientists at the Webster on the 12th, along with The Redwalls and Hot Hot Heat. 'Twas a kickass show. What made it more kickass was the fact that I caught up with my friend Oz who I hadn't seen in ages. It was great seeing him.

Must remind myself to buy We Are Scientists album, among other things.
Thanksgiving break was great. Got to see my mother for the first time since August. she cooked for Thanksgiving, made like a 15 course dinner even though it was only me, her and my grandmother. It was delicious, and it made me pass out for a few hours. Home cooking is a beautiful thing. During the time off, I hung out with my friend St. Clair and jammed with him. I got a chance to check out his Omega Desktop Recording Studio. It's a sweet little device. We got a chance to record a song. Me on the guitar, St. Clair on bass. Turned out pretty decent. Wanna hear it? Still trying to work out my soloing skills. It will be up to par in the not so distant future.
I've got so many original songs in my head that they're all trying to come out all at once, so I'm now trying to figure out which songs I should work out, and which should go into the permanent backburner. I've got another song started, and I like it's possibilities. Maybe by the end of this year I will have that song and my jazz song completed.
"Music is my heart and soul, more precious than gold."
- Marvin Gaye
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