Well it's been three weeks since i've gotten back to school. Things seem to be going good. My classes aren't terribly hard. Ever since I worked like crazy for my final Computer Graphics project, I'm ready for just about anything. I have Chemistry, Data Analysis, Software Development and Operating Systems. I'm also back working in the Commons. Same old grind. Except I lost my friggin' keys. They could be anywhere in this time zone, so they're basically gone for good. I kept hearing from various sources that the front door lock may have to be replaced, and I'd have to pay $150+ for it. After large amounts of cursing and searching for my keys, I gave up and went to Residential Life and told the, I lost my keys. There was some good news for me there, though. I may not have to pay for a new lock, they may just go and cut new keys. It's even possible they may not charge me for the keys. It's been well over a week since I've heard anyting from ResLife, but I have a temporary key, so I can get in and out of my room.
WARNING: Extreme computer geekery ahead. If you do not know what UNIX is, you may want to skip the following paragraph. You've been properly warned. Thank you.
My nerdness has gotten off to a good start this year. For Operating Systems I have a project that involves the use of a UNIX terminal. So one of my friends made the suggestion that we build our own server. It would belong to the four of us (me, Rick, Josh and Will). Rick had a server PC sitting around in his house, so he brought it to campus and we all had a field day with it. We added some new hardware, we temporarily stole Rick's DVD drive so we could install Fedora, since the install files were on a DVD and the server doesn't have a DVD drive.
One very important part of having a server is being able to connect to the internet. This server had no network card. No network card = no internet. We had to wait a few days for Rick to go back home and dig for parts. We got plenty enough to set up at that point. I'm probably the most excited about this whole endeavour, and possibly the more knowledgeable. I set up just about all the network aspects of the server, setting up the router, figuring out how to set up remote access, etc. Today I got remote access set up for the server, so me and my friends can access the server from any computer anywhere. And that to me is freakin' smurf.
Things are good on the music front as well. Dave and I are working on a new song for the Hott Lixxx, we'll be recording that soon. My next door neighbor Dwight has a small home recording studio in his living room, and from time to time we'd talk about recording, etc. I told him that I play guitar, and he said if I ever wanted to record anything to let him know. Sunday, while I was waiting for the Super Bowl to start, I brought my guitar next door and Dwight and I tracked a couple of ideas, one of which turned into a real hot beat. It's in the process of mixing, it should be done soon. Once I get it, I'll post it on my music page.
That's all I feel like writing for now, I need to go to bed.
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